Prior to a large and long trip to India for the opening of a new vendor call center, our “boss’s boss’s boss” executive type person sent out a Mandatory Memo. After opening vendor call centers in the US, Canada, Mexico, and the Philippines, he was bound and determined to make this launch the best ever! …
Tag Archives: Training Development
Just the facts, Ma’am.
Here’s a stupid easy training development tip: Just the facts, ma’am… Yes, there may be times when you need to do a “data dump,” but more often than not I’ve seen that a lot of us instructional designers and training developers want to put in TOO MUCH information.
Shadowing for Cross-Cultural Communication
Last time we stated that all communication is cross-cultural communication. So? What does that matter to us? Well, a very practical way to apply “cross-cultural” communication to the corporate culture is to shadow a coworker, especially if that coworker’s job is different from yours. Yes, simply shadow a coworker. “Have you ever wondered what exactly …
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All Communication is Cross-Cultural Communication
All Communication is Cross-Cultural Communication.